Automated contaminant detection in biowaste collection
This development provides the user with an automated detection of contamination present in domestic biowaste collection. Contaminants in organic waste, especially plastics, cause high processing costs. Making recycling time-consuming or in some cases impossible.
With c-detect, c-trace has developed the first artificial intelligence (AI)- based system for the detection of impurities in biowaste collection, thus directly addressing the source of the contamination. An optical camera mounted on the collection vehicle takes over the automatic control of each individual organic bin. The contents are captured and simultaneously evaluated. This is a self-contained ‘on the vehicle solution’ using AI-based c-detect software. c-detect works in combination with the c-ident RFID identification system, incorrect materials in the bin can be clearly assigned to the resident by tieing in the individual householder’s bin with evidence of contamination. The benefit of our system is that for each case of contamination, an image of evidence is generated that can be sent to the resident. Educate and inform bad practice, and if necessary enforce using c-detect with c-ident.
The results, easily understood by all parties involved and conclusive showing the evidence and avoiding arguments. With c-detect, we offer the possibility to classify impurities in such a way that contaminant level is set. Loads can be rejected or approved for collection on a project-by-project basis. This plays an important role, especially when considering biodegradable corn-starch bags, as each municipality handles the application differently.
The control and evaluation of biowaste also serves as a basis for decision-making for material flow management. Particularly contaminated batches are controlled in a targeted manner, which reduces processing technology and operating costs.
c-detect will be available from Q1/2023. Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
Your advantage and benefit through the use of c-detect
- No need for manual checks
- 100% control coverage
- Reliable verification against polluters
- Precise definition of the impurities to be snagged
- Vast improvement of biowaste quality
- Improved recycling rates
- Minimisation of residual waste
- Targeted material flow management
- Less micro plastics in compost
- Higher recycling awareness among the population